Empowering Communities Through Education and Sustainable Development

QEK is a non-for-profit organization that acts as a Revolutionary Culinary Education Center that besides the goals of the culinary education uses other resources to increasingly get involved in sustainable food systems and sustainable livelihood.

QEK’s VET programs are based on the best culinary systems, as well as the proper practice of professionals, who direct the center having an experience as chefs and university professors being both consumer educators and advocates.

Our Mission

Act as catalyst for economic and social change providing an effective practical learning environment and use other resources to increasingly get involved in sustainable food systems, food security and sustainable livelihood.

Our Vision

Become leaders in culinary education, teaching all aspects of food and addressing sustainability at every step.

Foster Sustainable Development

Integrating sustainable practices in all our projects to promote environmental stewardship and support local economies through responsible culinary and agricultural initiatives.

Celebrate Cultural Heritage

Showcasing the rich culinary traditions of Albania to preserve and promote the unique flavors and techniques that define our cultural heritage.

Promote Culinary Excellence

Nurturing traditional and innovative culinary practices to elevate the standards of food education and gastronomy in Albania and beyond.

Build Strong Communities

Fostering collaboration and community engagement to create inclusive spaces where people can learn, share, and grow together, strengthening the social fabric of our society.

Increasing Local Food Systems

Supporting local farmers and food producers, we contribute to the development of robust local food systems, ensuring access to fresh, healthy, and sustainable food for all.

Who we work with

These trusts, foundations and other organisations are making important contributions to our restoration work across the world.

Innovation & Technology

In a rapidly changing world, continuous progress is imperative to meet evolving demands.

Save Money

Choose quality from the start. Save time and money by getting it right with us.

Client Capabilities Network

With our expertise and cutting-edge competencies, we drive impactful and enduring change.

Ongoing Support

We don't just plan, we execute. Our talented team supports your implementation, as part of your founding team or on project basis.